Summertime is here! This means lots of fun activities at the beach, the park, or lake. Time to go surfing, sailing, or just loll around on the beach and admire the scenery. Have a cookout, or just socialize with your friends and family - in the summer, leisure activities are all around you.
You need to protect yourself while having fun, though. Wear sunscreen, sunglasses, westsuits, mosquito repellant, and other things you need to keep yourself safe and comfortable. Your iPad needs protection, too. A vinyl skin adds a protective layer to the outside of your iPad, helping ward off UV rays and minor spills, scratches, bumps and dings.
Just like you have special clothes for summertime activities - shorts, casual clothes and shoes, and bathing suits, your iPad should have a summertime image on its skin, too! Look through our summer-themed images and choose a design to put on your iPad.
Then, when the season changes, you can change your iPad skin, too. Keep your skins current, it's easy. The modern materials used to manufacture vinyl skins now include some very high-tech features. They are made from thinner materials, with modern adhesives that make it easy to position on your device, and reposition if needed to get a perfect fit. The adhesive layer even has tiny air channels so you can remove any air bubbles easily and safely, without damaging the skin with holes or pinpricks. The laminate layer adds UV protection to keep the design fresh and new looking longer. And these new adhesives are easy to remove when you wish to change designs, with hardly any unwanted residue left behind!
Summer themed iPad skins available now have fabulous beach scenes, surfing and boat images, too. Pick your favorite to install now, and check our website for new images for autumn.
Keep unwanted scratches and scuffs from ruining the look of your iPad, add a skin today. For fresh new designs, unparalleled customer service, and low prices, there is only one website you need:
iPad skins for Summer
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