Videogame-skins.com is offering free shipping on all orders this weekend. Until January 10th, whatever you order, no matter how many items are in your order, there will be no charge for shipping. $0. None. Nothing. Nada.
Order 10 laptop skins - no charge for shipping. A laptop skin, an Xbox 360 skin, a Kindle 3 skin - still no charge for shipping. An iPhone skin, a Wii skin, a PS3 Slim skin - free shipping. An Xbox 360 Slim skin, an iPad skin, 2 DS Lite skins, and a Dell Mini 9 netbook skin - still no charge to ship direct to your door.
Saturday, January 8th and Sunday, January 9th, 2011, every order on www.videogame-skins.com, no matter how small or large, there will be no charge for shipping.
All you have to do is use coupon code: free at checkout. Don't forget to use the coupon code, or you will be charged shipping and handling.
As always, our quality products are made in the USA. We start with a great image which is laminated for added protection, computer cut for a perfect fit and sent right to your door.
Order today, browse our great selection, use the coupon code, and pay nothing for shipping!